We are a dedicated team of professionals who are committed to:
- delivering the highest quality products and services,
- meeting our contractual obligations,
- compliance with applicable legislative and regulatory requirements,
- satisfying all applicable requirements, and
- continually improving the Integrated Management System.
Our quality goals are to:
- become the dominant provider in our target market,
- build and maintain networks that exceed user expectations,
- increase consumer choice with a range of products and services,
- be an employer of choice,
- invest in and develop employees to ensure they have the necessary competencies and training for them to perform their assigned tasks safely and competently, and
- implement and maintain an Integrated Management System based on ISO 9001:2015.
All workers are:
- responsible for the communication, enthusiastic promotion and implementation of this policy, and
- accountable for the achievement of quality outcomes in accordance with this policy.
This policy will be communicated to employees at induction and be on display at the reception area of all Opticomm offices for the information of interested parties.